The Open Road

A story of friendship on the frontieropenroadfront

In 1865, Win Avery and Jeb Dawson, young men looking for adventure, embark on a cross-country journey to see the frontier while it is still unspoiled wilderness. They meet Meg Jameson, a horsewoman lost on the prairie, and Gray Wolf, an Arapaho determined to live on his own terms off the reservation. Their paths and purposes converge, and although the open road continues to call to Win and Meg moves forward with plans of her own, the bonds between the four friends tie their fates together through the decades that follow as they witness the frontier close and a way of life disappear.

Western Fictioneers 2017 Best First Novel finalist  WF Peacemaker Finalist Seal


The Open Road is published by Five Star Publishing, an imprint of Gale/Cengage Learning. It can be ordered through your local bookstore and on Amazon. ISBN: 9781432833947


Photograph by Chris Casper.